1. Complete the fill-in-the-blank and text boxes below to submit your request for Direct Deposit.
2. At the bottom of the form, upload an image of your voided check in either PDF or JPG as a photo image formats only.
This is a fill in the add your name hereby authorizes Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program, hereinafter called COMPANY, to initiate credit entries and to initiate, if necessary, debit entries and adjustments for any credit entries in error to the account indicated below and the depository named below, hereinafter called DEPOSITORY, to credit and/or debit the same to such account.
This authority is to remain in full force and effect until COMPANY has received written notification from me (or either of us) of its termination in such time and in such manner as to afford COMPANY and DEPOSITORY a reasonable opportunity to act on it.
Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program
7501 Boulders View Drive, Suite 600
Richmond, VA 23225